Doublebase gel


Doublebase gel, shower gel and wash gel all contain two active ingredients, liquid paraffin and isopropyl myristate, both of which have moisturising properties.

Liquid paraffin and isopropyl myristate work by replacing lost water within the skin, and by forming a waterproof barrier over the skin surface. This prevents water within the skin from evaporating and keeps the underlying skin hydrated.

Doublebase is useful for dry skin conditions, such as eczema and dermatitis, which get worse when the skin is allowed to dry out. Used regularly, it helps restore the skin’s smoothness, softness and flexibility by replacing lost moisture and helping the skin retain moisture. This helps reduce scaling, redness and itching.

Doublebase gel can be applied directly to dry areas of skin. It can also be used before, during and after showering or having a bath as this helps to stop further drying of the skin. After showering the skin should be patted dry using a soft towel before applying Doublebase gel as a moisturiser.

In dry skin conditions such as eczema, using moisturisers and moisturising shower gels regularly, even once the skin has improved, can help prevent flare-ups.